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BozdoÄŸan, Sibel, Panayiota Pyla, and Petros Phokaides, eds., Coastal Architectures and Politics of Tourism: Leisurescapes in the Global Sunbelt. Routledge, 2022. 


Pyla, Panayiota, ed. Landscapes of Development: The Impact of Modernization Discourses on the Physical Environment of the Eastern Mediterranean. Cambridge: Harvard University Aga Khan Program, 2013.



Journal articles


Chang, Jiat Hwee, Petros Phokaides and Panayiota Pyla. "Multiplying Effects: Capital, Water, and Architectures of Tourism." In e-flux Architecture (November 2023).


Karas, Serkan and Panayiota Pyla, “Promise of Water Abundance and the Normalisation of Water-intensive Development in Cyprus.” In Water Alternatives 15 no. 3 (2022), 709-732. 


Pyla, Panayiota, and Petros Phokaides. “ ‘Dark and Dirty’ Histories of Leisure and Architecture: Varosha’s Past and Future.” In Architectural Theory Review, 2020. 


Pyla, Panayiota. “Crisis Spins.” Journal of Architectural Education (March 2015):  8-12. 


Pyla, Panayiota. “Gossip on the Doxiadis ‘Gossip Square’: Unpacking the Histories of an Unglamorous Public Space.” In Architectural Histories, 1(1) (December 2013): 28.  


Pyla, Panayiota, “Beyond Smooth Talk: Oxymorons, Ambivalences, and Other Current Realities of Sustainability,” Design and Culture 4:3, November 2012, pp. 273-278.


Pyla, Panayiota and Petros Phokaides. “Ambivalent Politics and Modernist Debates in Postcolonial Cyprus,” Journal of Architecture 16:6 (2011): 885-913.



Edited Special Issues in Journals


Pyla, Panayiota, Guest Ed., “Sustainability’s Prehistories” Special Issue of Design and Culture, USA, Berg Publishers, November 2012.



Book chapters


Pyla, Panayiota, and Dimitris Venizelos. “Towers on a Golden Coast: Competing Visions of Development on Famagusta’s Beach.” In Coastal Architectures and Politics of Tourism: Leisurescapes in the Global Sunbelt, edited by Sibel BozdoÄŸan, Panayiota Pyla, and Petros Phokaides, 133-150. London: Routledge, 2022. 


Pyla, Panayiota. “Leisure and Geo-economics: The Hilton and other development regimes in the Mediterranean South.” In Architecture in Development: Systems and the Emergence of the Global South, edited by Aggregate, Architectural History Collaborative (Arindam Dutta, Muzaffar Ijlal M., and Fabiola López-Durán), 381-400. London: Routledge, 2022. 


Pyla, Panayiota. “After the Development Discourse: On the Instrumentality of the Critique of Ekistics Today.” In Doxiadis and the Delos Symposia (1963-75): History and Legacy, edited by Simon Richards and Matha Zarmakoupi, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022.


Pyla, Panayiota, and Petros Phokaides. “An Island of Dams: Ethnic Conflict and Supra-national Claims in Cyprus.” In Water, Technology and the Nation-State, edited by Filippo Menga and Erik Swyngedouw, 115-130. New York: Routledge Earthscan, 2018.


Sioulas, Michalis, and Panayiota Pyla. “Social Housing in Late Colonial Cyprus: Contestations on Urbanity and Domesticity.” In Identity, Nation and Beyond: Social Housing in Contemporary Middle East, edited by Mohammad Gharipour and Kivane Kilinc, 181-206. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2018. 


Phokaides, Petros, and Panayiota Pyla P. “Critical Historiography and Digital Documentation Tools: Potential for Enhancing Research in Modern Architecture.” In The Return of the Modern: 25 Years of Greek Docomomo, edited by Athanasiou A., Dima L., Karali T., 107-121. Athens: Futura, 2018. [In Greek].


Pyla, Panayiota. “Delos Symposion: Leaving Earth to Save it.” In The Other Architect, edited by Giovanna Borasi, 270-273. Center for Canadian Architecture and Spector Books, 2015. 



Proceedings and other publications


Mesarch. Leisurescapes Archive. Nicosia: University of Cyprus, 2024.


Palate, Savia, and Panayiota Pyla. "Αρχιτεκτονική Ιστορία: παρελθÏŒν και μέλλον" [Architectural History: past and future] Phileleftheros, (July 10, 2022): 40.


Palate, Savia, and Panayiota Pyla. "Unintended Heritage in Conflict." Conference Proceedings: Modern Heritage in the Anthropocene (MoHoA), edited by Edward Denison, and Shahid Vawda, (2022): 288-292. 


Pyla, Panayiota. “Architectural Tourism: Site-Seeing, Itineraries and Cultural heritage.” Journal of Tourism History 14: 2, (November 2022): 317-319. DOI: 10.1080/1755182X.2022.2094656. 


Pyla, Panayiota, and Danae Zacharia, “Redevelopment”, In Statements for Teaching through Design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness, edited by HERSUS Scientific Coordinators [Vladan Djokić, Ana Nikezić, Mar Loren-Méndez, Konstantinos Sakantamis, Maria Philokyprou, Emanuela Sorbo], 372-379. University of Belgrade, 2022.


Palate, Savia, Petros Phokaides, and Panayiota Pyla, “More than a Hotel: The Ledra Palace through Stories of Tourism and Modernism.” In Ledra Palace: Dancing on the Line, edited by Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, L. Loizou-Hadjigavriel, A. Heraclidou, 48-60. [In Greek and English] Nicosia: A.G. Leventis Foundation, 2021


Pyla, Panayiota. “Around a Buffer Zone Pool: ‘We’ Soldiers, Children, Palm Trees, and Beetles.” In Expansions:  Responses to How Will We Live Together?, edited by Hashim Sarkis and Ala Tannir, 257-259. Venice: La Biennale di Venezia, 2021.  


Pyla, Panayiota. “Construction Culture in Cyprus after Independence.” In The History of Construction in Cyprus: From Prehistory to the 21st Century, edited by Euphrosyne Rizopoulou -Egoumenidou and Petroula Xatzitofi, Nicosia: Atlas Pantou Group, Nicosia. (2020): 292-317 [In Greek and English]


Pyla, Panayiota. “Constantinos A. Doxiadis and his Entopia: Promises of a Moderate Utopia and a Humanized Modernism.” In FAM Magazine 47 [special issue on ‘Forgotten and Unknown Architects’] (January-March 2019): 96-107.


Pyla, Panayiota. “Builders, Housewives and the Construction of Modern Athens, Book Review.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 77, no.2 (June 2018): 226-228. 


Sioulas, Michalis, and Panayiota Pyla. “Technical Schools for Inter-Communal Crisis Management in Mid-20th Century Cyprus.” In Entangled Histories, Multiple Geographies: Papers from the International Scientific Thematic Conference EAHN 2015, edited by Vladan Djokic, Ana Nikezic, and Ana Rakovic, 271-277. Belgrade: European Architectural History Network, 2017. 


Pyla, Panayiota. “Preface.” Θέσεις της Μνημης [Positions of Memory], edited by Petros Phokaides and Alexandra Chronaki, Athens: Nissos, (2016): 9-10. 


Phokaides, Petros, Panayiotis Andreou, George Antoniou, Panayiota Pyla, and George Samaras. “Architectural Historiography and Database Design: An Alliance to Empower Research In Modern Heritage”, In Biocultural 2015 Sustainability in Architectural Cultural Heritage - Conference Proceedings, Biocultural Research Programme, University of Cyprus. 2016, pp. 267-276.


Costi, Maria, and Panayiota Pyla. “Understanding Sustainable Earthen Building.” In 41st IAHS World Congress on Housing—Sustainability and Innovation for the Future, ITeCons Instituto de Investigacao e Desenvolviment, Algarve, Portugal (ID181), (September 3-16, 2016): 1-9.


Phokaides, Petros, and Panayiota Pyla.“Leisure-scapes and Conflict-scapes: The Famagusta Modern Coastline.” In Adaptive Reuse: The Modern Movement Towards the Future, edited by Ana Tostões and Zara Fereira, 14th International Conference, Lisbon: Docomomo International - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, (2016): 117-123.


Pyla, Panayiota and Giannis Papadopoulos. “Doxiadis’s One Big Pan-Africa.” In Africa: Big Change, Big Chance, edited by Benno Albrecht, 66-70. Milan: Editrice Compositori, 2014. [Catalogue for Milan Triennale exhibition, 14 October-28 December 2014] .


Pyla, Panayiota, Petros Phokaides, and Konstantina Kalfa. “Treasured Microcosms: Cyprus in the Global Milieu, Circa 1960.” Report presented as part of the Mesarch Lab installation at the Treasure Island Exhibition, organized by the Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, NiMAC, 19 September - 8 November 2014.


Pyla, Panayiota. “Histories of Environmental Consciousness—session chairing.” In Investigating and Writing Architectural History: Subjects. Methodologies and Frontiers, edited by Michella Rosso, Papers from the3rdInternational Meeting of the European Architectural History Network, Turin, Italy, (June 19-21, 2014): 616-17.


Pyla, Panayiota. “Going Natural: Or, Should You?” In The UAW Book: About Urban Awareness, edited by Socrates Stratis, Korea: DAMDI Academic Series 5, (2013): 80-83.


Phokaides, Petros and Panayiota Pyla. “Peripheral Hubs and Alternative Modernisations: Designing for Peace and Tourism in Postcolonial Cyprus.” In Hilde Heynen and Janina Gosseye, eds., Proceedings of the 2nd International Meeting of the European Architectural History Network (Brussels, May 2012), p. 442-445.


Phokaides, Petros and Panayiota Pyla. “Postcolonial Utopias in the Context of Cyprus,” 2010-2011 Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series (WPS), Vol. 231, (2011): 17-39.


Pyla, Panayiota, and Petros Phokaides. “Architecture and Modernity in Cyprus.” EAHN Newsletter 2/09, Newsletter of the European Architectural Historians Network, (May 2009). 

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